Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Our Common Condition

Our common condition. 

I was getting lunch yesterday at Taco Bueno when I overheard a conversation between the cashier and the woman responsible for putting the order together. Apparently it was the second time the cashier had made a mistake in keying the order into the register. 

She apologized, and made a self-deprecating remark about her intelligence. She laughed it off, and went on to take the next order. She again made the remark to her next customer. He assured her it was fine, because he too had done something just as "dumb" earlier in the day. 

I thought it was interesting how for some working to give the illusion of perfection almost becomes an art form, when in reality we seem to relate better to each other through our common failings. This man was showing true empathy for a woman who clearly was embarrassed, by her shortcomings.

It made me realize that I probably didn't need to work so hard to have the appearance of having it all together. It's not that we love someone despite their imperfections, rather it is because of them. All those traits, both good and bad make that person who they are. 

Looking for the good in others, and encouraging them when they fall short really connects us through our common condition. Who thought a bean burrito would come with a side of wisdom?

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