Friday, May 4, 2018

Big Dreams

Big dreams.

I recently listened to a podcast by Ruth Soukup called Do It Scared. She talked about setting goals, something I am very familiar with, but her thinking was a little different from standard wisdom. 

Most advice I had read about goal setting was to keep them manageable and achievable. This actually makes sense, and I'm pretty good at these kinds of goals. However, Ruth talks about setting big goals. The kind of goals that don't even seem possible, and leave you running scared at the thought of them. 

She goes through a series of steps that include commitment and hard work, but her story alone shows that dreaming big can bring big results. She went from overspending to starting a blog which eventually allowed her husband to quit his job and stay home with their children. She has since gone on to write best selling books, create a blogging academy, and now to start a podcast all within the span of seven years. 

One of the things she addresses is how often we like to limit ourselves within the confines of the small space we have made for ourselves in the world. Ruth teaches, "Give yourself permission to dream big without self-editing and self-judgement." This piece of advice really hit home for me. 

I can't even count how many times I have quickly discounted an idea that pops into my head. Before you know it I have come up with a laundry list a mile long of why it would never work. To be honest, often times it has more to do with the time commitment, and effort involved that holds me back. 

Ironically, at this stage of my life I really have nothing but time. As a retiree I'm not locked into a job or family that takes up most of my time. I spend a lot of my time coming up with things to do to just pass the time. 

Her challenge to dream big has really got me to thinking about what my big dream might be? What about your big dream? To learn more you might want to check out her podcast Do It Scared.

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