Monday, May 15, 2017

Yield or Accelerate?

Yield or accelerate?

Each weekday morning I drop Chuck off at the train station. As I leave I have to enter the highway next to the train station. 

This sometimes requires me to yield to the ongoing traffic without the benefit of a merge lane. This can be tricky at times depending on the flow of traffic. Each morning I have to make a judgement call about whether I should slow down or speed up to get ahead of the oncoming cars. 

Now my naturally cautious nature wants me to slow down and yield. Except that because there is no merging lane trying to accelerate from a complete stop is not always wise. Sometimes the best thing to do is to speed up.

The other morning as I did so, it made me realize that speeding up goes against my nature. I'd rather come to a complete stop, and wait until there is no possible risk involved. 

Except the truth is that you really can't live a risk-free life. Now of course, I'm not talking about reckless driving here, it's just that sometimes pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is the better way. 

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