Friday, May 19, 2017



I'm reading a whimsical book by Jill Badonsky entitled, The Muse is In: An Owner's Manual to Your Creativity. She writes, "You get more done when you start things than when you don't."

I have found that the starting point has always been a challenge for me. Interestingly enough though, most of the time once I start something, even something new, I generally have some level of success. 

I think more than anything I find myself  hesitant to start things I don't really know how to do. I've always been uneasy about asking for help, and this has more to do with possibly coming off as stupid more than anything else. By putting it off I don't have to risk this happening. So as obvious as it may sound starting really is the key. 

Some people accomplish more if they jump in with both feet, while some do better to dip a toe in the water, and wade in slowly. Sometimes it has more to do with the task at hand. When we began decluttering our home before the move, I found the cannonball method to be the most efficient. If I had dragged it out over a long period of time I'm afraid I might still be there. 

However, sometimes it's easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of a task. Maybe then it's better to use the How to Eat an Elephant rule: One bite at a time. By taking small steps toward a goal you can build up your confidence, and perhaps have a better chance of it coming to fruition. 

Either way the important thing is that you just have to start. 

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