Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Idea

The idea. 

Has this ever happened to you? You have an idea, a really amazing IDEA, and you can hardly stop thinking about it. It sounds so wonderful, and the possibilities seem endless. You start to get really excited about it. Why that idea might just change your life. 

Except, that when you really start thinking about that idea you begin to change your mind.  The logistics, and the realities, and the risks involved all seem to cause that idea  to begin to shrink away.  After a while you forget about it completely. Or so you try to convince your self. Why you are much better off without that crazy, old idea. Once again practicality wins out. 

However, my experience has been that those ideas really don't leave you. They tuck themselves away, and remain very quiet and very small until they don't. For whatever reason you might find that idea making its presence known again. Ideas can be very persistent, and very patient. 

As a writer, author T.S. Elliott knew about ideas. In fact, he stated it very clearly when he wrote, "Between the idea and the reality...falls the shadow." I seem to live a lot of my life in the shadow talking myself out of the idea. 

However, as hard as I try the idea seems to keep resurfacing. Maybe it's time to listen. 

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