Thursday, May 11, 2017

Partners in Crime

Partners in crime. 

I've written about him before, and no, besides the tennis ball incident, we pretty much try to not break the law, but Cooper and I are basically inseparable. I've used the word devoted before, and it really suits him. 

Whenever it's possible I try to bring Cooper along for the ride. Although, I can honestly say we haven't crossed over to the Giggy and Ken level on the Housewives yet.  You won't find Cooper drinking from my champagne flute. Heck, you probably won't find me drinking from a champagne flute! 

However, Cooper does accompany me every morning when we drop Chuck off at the train station. If I need to make more than one trip to the parking garage to haul groceries he's there. He accompanies me to take out the trash, check the mail, and of course his infamous "taking care of business" aka potty breaks in the courtyard. 

We try to make a walk along the lake a part of our daily routine, and if it's early enough, and not too crowded, a trip to the dog park to chase his beloved tennis ball. On special occasions we'll travel to Petco to peruse the Treat Bar, and our trips to the farm always include him.

Most of the time, though, you will find him relaxing on the bed waiting for me to get ready, nestled beside me on the couch, and sometimes on my shoulder if I'm in a reclined position. Wherever I am is exactly where he wants to be. 

Now Cooper really is a friendly guy, and much prefers the company of people to dogs at the dog park. I'm hoping our next adventure is a trip to visit the residents at a local Memory Care facility around the corner. Cooper used to always get a kick out of visiting Dad, and I'm hoping he has an opportunity to accompany me there soon. 

So although we are not really on a crime spree, we sure do spend a lot of time together. And the old adage of a dog being man's or should I say woman's best friend works for me. 

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