Tuesday, May 16, 2017



There are certain things in life that make me feel uncomfortable. I suppose this is true to some degree for everyone. Except, there are times where we just have to step up to the plate and make the best of an uncomfortable situation. 

For me things like crowds, disorder, feeling left out, and being out of control are all things that cause  me some level of distress. That and airports. Even long before the TSA I always had some anxiety about the whole airport experience. Now I've flown many times, and I'm actually pretty okay about the flight itself. I think it has more to do with being late, and missing my flight.

On the flip side I'm very comfortable with things that many are not. I have no trouble public speaking, and in fact I kind of like it. I'm perfectly fine going to the movies, and eating out alone. I'm rarely concerned about getting lost, because I have a good sense of direction. In addition I'm comfortable talking to people I don't know, and enjoy speaking my mind in a group setting.

It got me to thinking about how best to react in situations where you feel uncomfortable, especially when leaving is really not an option. I've written quite a bit about comfort zones, and the benefits of pushing out of them. 

Author, Gretchen Rubin includes in her Secrets of Adulthood the idea to "Accept yourself, and expect more of yourself." In other words even though it is a strength to know your weaknesses it doesn't mean it gives you a free pass to give up. 

Sometimes it's good to find that middle ground between comfort and discomfort. I think if possible having a game plan is not a bad idea, especially if you know ahead of time that you are going to be in an uncomfortable setting. 

Other times, I suppose you just have do the best you can, and chalk it up to being perfectly human. 

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