Monday, November 30, 2015


Waiting. It's hard to wait. As a child I remember Christmas Eve being the longest night of the year. Now we are finding ourselves waiting on the birth of our first grandson. We saw our daughter and son-in-law over Thanksgiving and were hoping not to have to wait any longer. But, that little guy had other plans. So now we are back home awaiting the call. I remember when I was awaiting the birth of my daughter, I reluctantly had to accept that she would be born on her own time. In fact, she was born almost two weeks after her due date. I'm not naturally good at waiting. I'll go inside a fast food restaurant over waiting in the drive through any day. I'm quick to move, talk and act. However, I do remember when my daughter was young, I made the conscious effort not to rush her. I decided that allowing myself to wait would benefit her the most. I'm glad I did, because I didn't rush through those years. So I'll continue to wait on this new little guy and look forward to not rushing through them.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, yes, waiting for a precious life experience is so...natural. I can smell them still. The sweet, warm smell of a baby.
