Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Open Doors

Open doors. Ralph Waldo Emerson advised,  "Be an opener of doors." I like to consider myself a door opener. I'm always on the look out for the next challenge; the next new thing. I'm not content to rest on my past accomplishments. I find life to be much more exciting when I'm opening the door to something new. Now the paradox here is that sometimes my need for perfection has held that door at bay, as I've hesitated to push through. However, I can't think of a single time that I regretted taking the risk. Now this  doesn't mean that everything always turned out the way I had anticipated. In fact, often times it was the exact opposite. But, what I gained from the experience always made it worth my while. Think about the doors you come across in your own life. Have the courage to turn the knob, because living a life behind closed doors is not really a life.


  1. I just opened a new door to my writing life. I liked the idea of writing for an extended time on a certain theme. So today I launched "pictures and paragraphs", a marriage of fiction writing and art. I am excited to open this door. I am grateful to have read this post on the very day I launched. Thank-you Shari.

    1. I can't wait to follow along. I liked the idea of writing about one theme too. I liked your idea of writing about a book.

  2. I think we must be twins :-) I'm never satisfied, and always looking for the next adventure. I am often telling Gus: "I have the GREATEST idea!" But it's not always the greatest :-) AnnMarie

  3. I get easily bored and do better with the next great thing.
