Monday, November 9, 2015

The Hamster Wheel

The hamster wheel. A friend of mine posted the other day about how busy her life had become. Inspite of it, she expressed gratitude in the wake of a serious health crisis a few years before. I thought about her words and agreed that the glass half full was the best way to approach life. However, I began to wonder about the reality of the hamster wheel. You see a hamster wheel keeps going faster and faster, but it really doesn't get you anywhere, but tired. I realized how easy it is to just jump on board and begin the trek. It made me wonder if there was a different way? Was everything so important that nothing took priority? Is modern day living just one massive to-do list? I've started working again, and although it is not full time, it is sizably more than what I was doing before. My comfortable life of routine and structure has been tilted and I'm having to adjust to fewer hours to get things done. However, it really has me questioning the importance of all the "stuff" I once deemed so necessary. Maybe it's time to get off the hamster wheel and approach life a little differently. I think busyness is kind of like a reptile that grows to the size of its cage. I can always think of one more thing to do if I allow myself.


  1. I think we are thinking alike this morning. My post today was bit of fiction encapsulating this very thought.

  2. Shari, this is a helpful post in making me think about the hamster wheel I'm on, and what I need to do to get off. So much of it is about prioritizing, and being intentional about what I am doing. AnnMarie

  3. We need a hamster ball instead. That way we're actually going somewhere!
