Sunday, October 29, 2023

Curiosity- Day 29


“I think curiosity is the flint from which flies the spark of inspiration.”
Brian Grazer

Another definition for curious according to the Oxford dictionary is, “strange, unusual.”
Grazer points out that “…when we describe an object with the adjective ‘curious” we mean that it’s an oddity, something a little weird, something other than normal.”

This reminded me of the movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, where the main character is aging in reverse. Along with my initial observation about poor Curious George perhaps curiosity has been looked at skeptically as something not really worth pursuing.
However, Grazer also states, “I want the opportunity to be different. Where do I get the confidence to be different? A lot of it comes from curiosity.”

Grazer is easily recognized in his industry for his well-known spiky hair style. Earlier in his career his hair was a calling card of sorts. To be honest I find myself curious about the motivation behind those who dress differently that than the standard norm. 

Is strange or unusual actually a bad thing? In fact, some of the most delightful experiences are when we encounter something out of the norm. Seeing a black and white beetle for the first time earlier this year filled me with both excitement and wonder as I quickly snapped a picture of the intriguing specimen.

After a little research I learned that it was called an Ironclad Beetle. According to Texas A & M Agrilife Extension, “These insects are a bit of a mystery because no one is sure what they eat, or anything else about them for that matter.” How delightful and curious that we actually have such a mysterious insect in a day where we seem to know so much. 

Where do you fall on the curiosity debate?

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