Monday, October 23, 2023

Curiosity- Day 23


“We live at a moment in time that should be a ‘golden age of curiosity.’ We have access to more information more quickly than anyone else has ever had before. And yet, curiosity remains wildly undervalued today.”
Brian Grazer

Producer Brian Grazer has written the book, A Curious Mind, The Secret to a Bigger Life where he explores the role curiosity has played in his life. He attributes his success in Hollywood primarily to his innate curiosity. 

In his book he sites Barbara Benedict who he refers to as “a scholar of curiosity.” Now to be honest I love that title, and aspire to be a scholar of curiosity. She has studied the great scientists of the 17th and 18th centuries. What made them extraordinary, according to her, “is that they asked questions that hadn’t been asked before.”

Scientists like Isaac Newton and Galileo were up against a 2,000 year old power structure that “not only set strict limits on how each member of society could operate, but also what it was okay to ask questions about.” 

Grazer points out that the internet can only tell us what we already know. He reminds us of two things you can’t find on the internet:

“You can’t search for the answer to questions that haven’t been asked yet.

“You can’t Google a new idea.”

I found this concept pretty remarkable considering I’m constantly referring to the internet when I want to learn something new. I never really thought about asking new questions. 

What unanswered questions can you ask?

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