Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Why I Love My House- The Front Porch

I’ve always enjoyed sitting outside. When given the opportunity I’ll always choose outdoor dining if the weather cooperates. 

When we first met with our builder he showed us a house he was building in the area. That particular house had a really deep back porch. I immediately fell in love with it, and knew I wanted it on the front of my house. 

We decided to have a ten foot deep covered porch built on the front of our house that runs its entire length. 

Just last week Chuck and I and our grandsons sat on the porch watching it rain, all the while staying dry. Well that is until the wind starting blowing a mist in our direction. 

Right now we have a small seating area set up using our existing lawn furniture. However, down the road I envision a larger seating area. 

Our porch also has room for a dining area which I’m really looking forward to. I can imagine many a meal served out on the porch. 
Chuck’s even suggested getting a hammock for the far end of the porch. 

I have to agree that it would be the perfect spot for one. 

So far we have spent quite a bit of time out on the porch during the early evening. One night Chuck and I turned off all the lights, and were amazed at the sky. Living in the city with so many lights you lose out on the celestial beauty of a clear, night sky. 

Right now we have a spider who we fondly named Helen, after the children’s book Be Nice to Spiders. She has spun an amazing web whose intricacies defies description. It was blown away from the rain, but she was hard at work the next evening rebuilding it. 

You cant look at a spider, the size of a nickel, as she spins her web so instinctively, and not believe there isn’t a God. 

In addition to our front porch we have a ten foot by ten foot covered porch on the back of the house. We have sat out there primarily in the morning as it’s west exposure makes for a cooler experience in which to drink your morning coffee or tea. 

Life sure has been sweeter with both of these porches. 

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