Monday, August 30, 2021

Why I Love My House- The Carport

The last time I had a carport was when I was ten and living in Florida. Ever since then every house I’ve ever lived in has had a garage. 

You know, a garage that you may or may not be able to fit two cars in, a place full of tools, and castaways that you are not quite ready to part with. Garages definitely come in handy, but since we knew that Chuck was getting a barn there really was no reason to have a garage.
Now I may feel a little differently when it’s freezing outside, but so far I’ve loved having a carport. Even in the hottest summer weather the car has remained cool while parked underneath its shelter. 

When I first saw the carport the first thing out of my mouth was, “We could square dance here!” Now to the best of my knowledge I’ve never actually square danced before, but its size was pretty remarkable.

Our carport not only is large in square footage, it is also the height of the house. It does a good job of capturing the breeze, and actually gives a view of the pond in the winter months when the leaves are absent from the trees. 

It looks to be the perfect place for outdoor entertaining, with plenty of room for tables and chairs. 

I like the noncrowded feel of the carport when both vehicles are parked there. The boys have even ridden their bikes here. 

One decision we did make, though, was to place it at the southern end of the house vs the northern end. This required completely flipping the orientation of the original plan, which at first was a little confusing to both Chuck and I. 

You’ve heard the expression about not being able to make heads or tails out of something. That was us for a while!

However, I couldn’t be more pleased with our decision. More to follow later about the barn. 

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