Tuesday, August 10, 2021


Well this morning certainly didn’t start as I had planned. I was driving down the driveway on the way to Brittany’s when I received a phone call from here. 

Apparently the man down the way had called Will to let him know that the cows were on the country road beside our property. 

As I made my way out of the gate I noticed a neighbor making her way up the road. As it turned out she was the one who had noticed the cows, and had called her son, who in turn alerted Will. 

She informed me that my automatic gate was repeatedly opening and closing on its own. Sure enough as we stood there waiting for Will to arrive it kept opening and closing. 

Now at that time she said she had seen two mamas and two babies on the dead end side of our road. It wasn’t until Will arrived and coaxed them back in the gate with the siren on his feed truck that he realized the whole herd was missing. 

About that time I glanced down the opposite side of the road, the one that intersected with the highway that I saw some more cows. Now mind you Will had just come from that direction ten minutes before and had not seen any cows. 

Apparently when they heard the siren on the truck they came running as well. He was able to gather them back in the pasture through the other gate. 

As we thought about where they had been Will stated that they may have been in the other side of the highway. We hoped that maybe they had made their way down the neighbors driveway. 

Either way we were eternally grateful that it ended on a good note. All cows accounted for, and automatic gate disconnected for now. 

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