Wednesday, March 3, 2021

What We Take For Granted

Between the snowstorm last week, and my sprained ankle this week I’m realizing how easy it is to take things for granted. 

Each time you hop in the shower you expect hot water. Having to boil water to add to a bathtub takes forever, and the end result is a tepid pool of water. Not exactly pleasant by today’s standards. 

Not being able to walk normally results in having to be waited on literally hand and foot. Luckily I have a husband who is more than willing to help. However, that doesn’t make me feel any better about putting the burden on him. 

As I think about grocery shopping next week I’m not sure I’ll be well enough to maneuver the aisles. I may be able to be physically present to watch the boys, but that may be all I can realistically do.
Luckily, the swelling has gone down dramatically, and Chuck is going to run up to CVS to get some sort of ankle brace. As I lay here incapacitated it makes me realize how we just assume we can get up and do whatever we want when we want. 

As I scrolled through Facebook I came across a posting from a friend’s mother. She had purchased a birthday card early for her sister this year, but sadly was not able to actually give it to her before her sister passed away. 

Years ago when I broke my tailbone on the first day of school while bending over to tie a student’s shoe, it did make me realize how quickly things can change in a heartbeat. That injury took months to heal, and literally was a pain in the butt. 

After my mother passed away I began to appreciate the simpler things in life, knowing that life is not guaranteed for any of us. I thought of all the things she sacrificed for her family that would have brought her happiness. None of them were anything too over the top, but she just assumed she would have tomorrow to acquire them. 

Sometimes I find my self disgruntled about the world around me, and although there is nothing wrong with being aware of what is going on, allowing it to take hold is a problem. Looking for the good, rather than focusing on the negative, really is a more satisfying way to live. 

So I’ll be sidelined for what could be days to possibly weeks, but I want to appreciate the blessings that I do have in my life more than my misfortune.

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