Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Fluency Heuristic

Heuristic- Fluency Heuristic

Definition- The easier an idea the more it is to be accepted, even if it is wrong. 

Example- During the pandemic it has been easier to understand sound bites of information, rather than to investigate further.

How Can This Work Against Us- We can be quick to base decisions on information that might not be fully sound. It has been challenging to know exactly who to believe or trust as we have navigated something none of us had ever experienced before. We may not be making the decisions that are best for our health based on the information we have been given. 

How To Be More Aware Next Time- Hopefully in regards to what we have experienced this last year we never have to repeat it. However, one thing this pandemic has taught me is to keep digging and questioning. It used to be common place in medicine to get  a second opinion. Today with so much being censored it has been difficult to find dissenting views. Just because something is hard to understand doesn’t mean it doesn’t have credibility. Challenging ourselves to think critically just might benefit us in the long run. 

Recount a Time You Used This Heuristic- I would say more times than not when I scratch my head trying to make sense of things like the stock market, politics, the economy and anything else I deem “over my head.”  I’m not a patient person by nature, and if something doesn’t come quickly or easily to me I’m quick to move on to the next thing. Relying on the simpler idea might just be a lazier way of thinking for me. 

Plan For What To Do Next Time- Sometimes when I don’t fully understand something it’s just a matter of locating someone who can explain it better. Or even better if you know someone personally that can explain it to you, reach out to them for an explanation. It doesn’t always work, but at least you’ve taken the time to try to learn more about the subject before making a decision. 

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