Monday, January 4, 2021

Soap Quest

Chuck and I went on a soap quest this past Saturday. If you remember my posting from a while back about our Pez quest you’ll know that Chuck and I take our quests pretty seriously. 
A couple of years ago we attended the wedding of our son-in-law’s brother, and stayed at a pretty fancy hotel. We fell in love with the specialty soap, and made the decision to start using nicer soap at home.

When we returned home I dug through my basket of “bathroom stuff” and located several bars of gift soaps I had received over the years. We reveled in the luxury of our fancy soap, and when the time came to buy some more we were faced with a slight dilemma.

A nice bar of soap can cost as much as $6.00 a bar, and if you don’t know I pride myself at being frugal by nature. Heck, who am I kidding, I’m basically cheap! There was no way I was going to spend that much for a bar of soap, no matter how much I loved it. 

That’s where Home Goods came into the picture. When checking out their soap supply, I found that I could purchase some for $3.00 to $4.00 a bar. Jackpot! This seemed like a fair price, especially since the soap lasts for at least a month. 

So Saturday morning Chuck and I got up, and had a cup of coffee and some toast for a quick breakfast. Prior to this we had attempted to locate the soap at our local Euless store, but to no avail. So we decided to check out the Grand Prarie store which I had visited before early last year. 

I suggested we make it a little more special in honor of the quest to stop by First Watch for brunch, which was just down from the Home Goods. 

Now if you’ve never eaten at First Watch then you have really been missing out. There food is divine! I had scrambled eggs which were to die for, chicken sausage, diced potatoes, and artisan bread smothered with butter and jelly. 

Chuck got a BLTE. That’s a BLT sandwich with a couple of fried eggs thrown in, and a slice of Swiss cheese to boot. It was equally delicious!

After brunch we headed to Home Goods and scored four bars of soap. Sadly, there weren’t many to choose from, and I’m wondering if they are discontinuing carrying soap? If this is the case the quest will have to continue at places like Ross, Marshall’s, and TJ Max. 

So many quests, so little time. 


“The act or an instance of seeking or pursuing something; a search.”

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