Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Not Relying On What You Already Know

Not relying on what you already know. 

When I made the decision this summer to change my eating habits to primarily plant-based foods I began a new culinary journey. 

You see up until this time I had a repertoire of meals that I basically rotated through each month. Occasionally I would try something new, and it may or may not have made the cut into the rotation. 

However, when I completely changed my way of eating all those old recipes no longer were applicable. I began a search on Pinterest, and liked several new sites on Facebook in an attempt to find new meal choices. 

What I found, was not only  a variety of new meals, but some of the tastiest meals I had ever eaten. I don't know if it was just that my palette was awakening to something new, or perhaps what I had suspected before that the vegetable when properly prepared really stole the show. 

Each week as I sit down to plan my meals I really am enjoying looking for new and different recipes to try. As I grocery shop I'm finding that what fills my cart today is so much different than even just a year ago. My new food groups now include beans and legumes, grains, fruits and vegetables. 

They say variety is the spice of life, and I'm finding this culinary food journey to be just that. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of plant-based eating you might want to check out Forks Over Knives on Facebook. It's a great starting place even if you are only interested in adding Meatless Monday to your food rotation. 

Sometimes being forced out of your comfort zone really does open new doors. 

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