Monday, December 4, 2017

It Takes a Village

It takes a village. 

I was reminded this weekend that many hands make light work. My grandson turned two this last week and my daughter planned a birthday party for the weekend. 

Mind you, she had just returned from visiting her in-laws over Thanksgiving in another state, is eight months pregnant, and lives in a small town where her favorite go-to store is an hour and a half away. 

However, her Amazon Prime membership and its two day shipping saved the day. She had gathered several ideas on Pinterest for a train-themed party, and set to work ordering the needed supplies. 

I came up a day early mainly to watch the little guy so she could grocery shop, and set up for the party. Chuck arrived that evening after working late, and the next morning he and my son-in-law took on the task of transforming the backyard. 

We were fortunate to have a beautiful sunny day in the high seventies, a rarity even in our neck of the woods, so having the party outside provided plenty of room for everyone.
Chuck had made the railroad signs for the party, and set out to affix them to the house as well as lay a set of tracks with duck tape welcoming everyone to their home. 

Brittany made cupcakes, and decorated them into a number two shaped train track complete with little train cars on top. Will, my son-in-law worked his magic on some pork roasts providing pulled pork and coleslaw for their guests. 

Brittany decorated the table to Pinterest perfection, and I ran to pick up the balloons and ice, and pitched in to help with the preparty cleaning, as well as my favorite job of all, Mimi duty. 
What began as questionable at 9:00 in the morning pulled together beautifully by 2:00. 

The turn out was great with friends and family enjoying the beautiful day together. Our little two year old was showered with an abundance of tractors and trucks, and spent most of the time digging in the dirt testing them all out. He did devour two cupcakes, as chocolate seems to be his new obsession, along with anything with wheels. 

The party turned out beautifully, and although my sweet daughter was tired at the end of the day her vision, and mad party planning skills did this Mama proud. Happy Birthday little guy!

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