Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Blogger Friends

Blogger friends. 

I really love to blog, and it has become a labor of love, and something I look forward to each day. That being said, it doesn't mean that there aren't times when trying to come up with an idea for a blog post isn't a challenge.  

Most of the time I try to be aware of what is happening around me, and to be open to inspiration. However, sometimes when I get too busy, or don't have enough time for reflection I find myself wondering if I should continue?

That's where a couple of my friends who blog really play an important part in my continuing to write. Their support and encouragement really help me get through any dry spells I might be experiencing. 

If I have technical difficulties or questions I can turn to them for answers.   In fact, one of my blogging friends, a friend from junior high, reached out to me the other day to offer some advice about a glitch that was preventing my photos from loading to Facebook. 

I appreciated her input, and it meant the world to me that she offered her help, as she too had experienced the same thing. Her advice helped to fix the problem, and my frustration over what was happening. 

My other friend, who I met through the thirty-one day writing challenge a couple of years ago, helped me create the "button" needed in order to participate this year. I feel quite certain that without her assistance I probably would have not followed through with the writing challenge. 

Having this small community of other writers is just another reason why I enjoy blogging so much. Knowing that you are not completely on your own in an endeavor can certainly make all the difference in your continued success. I feel quite blessed to have these two individuals in my life.