Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Spending Your Money

Spending your money. 

I just finished reading a posting about spending your money on experiences rather than things, and although I think they are correct, I'm finding that many of the things that I enjoy most really have very little if no cost at all. 

One of my favorite pastimes is reading, and between the library and Half Price books my avocation costs very little.  Getting out in nature, another one of my favorites, can be as simple as visiting the local park. I remember once telling Chuck that as taxpayers, I thought we should take advantage of the amenities that our community provided. 

Often when you read about experiences they involve travel, and as much as traveling the world may sound enticing, it's cost might just not fit into everyone's budget. However, some of my most favorite experiences have been just around the corner when I've discovered a local hidden gem. 

Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting the Boy Scouts of America museum. Its cost was free, sans a donation, but as I walked the exhibit I found myself inspired by the leaders and leadership the organization had produced. 

Just recently I met one of my neighbors who just so happened to be the National Director of the Boy Scouts. Our conversation was fascinating as he recounted having met all the presidents since Nixon. Just having that touchstone of the Boy Scout Museum experience opened the door to a shared experience. 

As you look around your local community look for new experiences and new people to engage in conversation. You might just be surprised whom you meet. 

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