Monday, September 26, 2016

The Unknown

The unknown. 

In life we pretty much have the known and the unknown. The known holds some sense of comfort because it cannot surprise us. It is what keeps us teaching the same grade for thirty years. The known is what keeps us from moving away from our hometown. Sometimes the known is what keeps us from living the life we really want. 

The unknown on the other hand, seems to be the scarier of the two. Even though, the unknown might be the better path, it still holds uncertainty. What if you were to give up the known and end up unhappy in the unknown? What if you ended up regretting ever leaving the known?

For me I waver between the two. In many ways I crave the security of the known. I like not having to think too much about the unfamiliar. And yet, I find myself restless and searching for something new and different. The hidden truth is that actually every day is the unknown. We no more know for sure what will happen in the next second as we know what will happen ten years from now. 

So what are we to do with this knowledge? Sometimes you just have to be brave, and take that first step. 

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