Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Revolutionary Thinking

Revolutionary thinking. 

I'm not what you would consider a football super fan. I'll watch an occasional Cowboy game, and watch the Super Bowl more for the commercials.  So I was surprised to find myself reading an article about a football coach. 

His name is Hal Mumme and he is the subject of a new book written by S.C. Gwynne entitled, The Perfect Pass. Now what makes Mumme so unique is that he practically revolutionized football by making it more of a passing than a running game. 

Rather than have his players lift weights he worked more on their flexibility. He formed his teams using players overlooked by other coaches. His methods brought him success, and were eventually used in professional football. 

Mumme's willingness to think differently created a new way to look at the sport, and his actions are an inspiration to us all. 


  1. Much like our Seahawks coach who hired a meditation teacher for his team.
