Friday, September 2, 2016

Be Careful

Be careful. 

I found myself the other day repeatedly saying these words to my grandson.  He is mobile now, and between creeping, crawling and pulling himself up he requires constant attention. As soon as he is up you better keep a close eye on him because gravity will soon be taking over. My natural instinct is to want to protect him. 

I certainly don't want a bump or scrape to happen on my watch, but at the same time I don't want to discourage him from his natural inclination to explore his world. I don't want him to become fearful that he might hurt himself. I don't want him to be so tuned into being careful that he stops taking calculated risks. 

So I'm finding myself biting my tongue, and instead encouraging him along the way. Of course, at the same time keeping a close eye on him to make sure nothing really bad happens. I've even taken to fining myself twenty-five cents every time I slip up. His rodeo fund piggy bank has had a few quarters added to it, but not enough to make him rich. 

I'm realizing that every step along the way I am helping to mold the young man that he is becoming. I want him to be brave and take those risks along the way that will enrich his life. So, even though he's still a little guy right now, I want to remain mindful of the influence I do have through my words. 

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea to fine yourself and putting that money in his bank. Love it.
