Thursday, September 15, 2016

Bee Aware

Bee aware. 

I've never fancied myself a gardener. In fact, the only thing I seem to be able to keep alive is pothos ivy, which has the reputation of being the easiest houseplant to grow. It is relatively maintenance free, and perks up quite nicely with a little water every now and then, and come to find out it actually helps to purify indoor air.  

This summer I was introduced to a new plant called purslane. I immediately became enamoured by its blooms which opened and closed daily. In addition to this beauty,  the sage bushes my husband  planted a year ago have produced the most beautiful purple blossoms. Not only are they beautiful, but they are also bee friendly. 

The other day I was reading about how millions of bees were killed when they were accidentally sprayed with pesticide. Up until now I really never thought too much about bees, and just considered them another stinging insect to be avoided. 

However, after this incident I learned that bees really do play a critical role in our ecosystem. Without them much of the produce found so readily at the grocery store would be nonexistent. Now to be honest I don't actually see myself raising bees. But what I have  learned is that just by providing bee friendly flowers in your landscaping can make a big difference. It is also important not to contaminate the blooms with pesticides. 

My plans are to visit my local nursery to see what other plants I might be able to add that would encourage a visit from my friendly neighborhood bee. Awareness is often the first step toward making the world a better place. 

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