Tuesday, September 6, 2016



Although I do not know the author of the words, "What you feed will flourish, what you neglect will die," they are empactful to me. 

There is much truth in that the things that devour your time and energy become what is important to you. Unfortunately, this is not always a good thing. 

Sometimes we become completely blinded to what may have become second nature to us, and if not recognized will possibly remain unchanged. If we continue down this path we may be inhibiting our ability to fully flourish. Like a flower deprived of enough water, our bloom may result in only a trace of what it could have been. 

For this reason it is critical that we are aware of what grabs our thoughts and attention. If you are feeling a sense of inertia, and losing enthusiasm begin to feed your mind with something worthy and inspiring. Become more intentional in your actions and choices, and watch your life begin to flourish. 

The Psalms remind us, "As a man thinketh in his heart so he will be." It is not too late for flourishing.