Tuesday, March 22, 2016



A fellow blogger posted something about uncertainty the other day. As obvious as it is, life really is about uncertainty. My way of handling uncertainty is to manage and control. 

It is my way of reassuring myself that everything will be alright. But I'm only kidding myself thinking  that I can avert uncertainty from happening. 

It seems over the the course of the last two months one thing after another has played into uncertainty. In an effort to give myself a tangible reminder of who is actually in control of my life, I have placed a small plastic sheep in my car. Each day when I look at it I am reminded that I am a sheep and the Lord is my shepherd. 

I don't need to fill my days with worry and anxiety as to, "what might happen next?" I don't have to manage everyone and everything. I don't have to be in control of every possible outcome. 

It actually is an exhausting job, and technically it is not mine to employ. Taking this small action has allowed me to be more conscious and intentional about my life. 


  1. This was so well articulated. I agree.

    1. Your beautiful artwork was my inspiration.

  2. I love the idea of the sheep! How often I forget as I worry myself to death about things that God is in charge of anyways! Thanks, Shari. AnnMarie
