Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Pulling Weeds

Pulling weeds. 

I'm not a fan of yard work. Just ask my husband. In out thirty years of marriage the full credit of a beautiful lawn goes to him. But there is something about pulling weeds that I enjoy. I'm not sure exactly what it is. 

Perhaps, it is the hunt as I scan the yard for another ellusive weed? Maybe, it's having the correct tool to get the job done? My little weed tool does a very efficient job of getting the weed out by its roots. Maybe, it's the satisfaction of a job well done, when the the yard becomes relatively weed free?  

Maybe, it's the cool evening breeze and the sound of the wind chimes hanging from our tree? Who knows for sure, but I don't hear my husband complaining. 


  1. Isn't it nice when the evenings get longer? I can't believe I said that because I hate daylight savings time.

    1. It's hard to adjust to at first, but I like the longer days.
