Friday, March 18, 2016

The List

The list. 

How do you approach life?  Sarah Young writes about not, "approaching the day as a blank page that you need to fill up." 

When I first retired from full time teaching I found myself each day making a really long list of things that needed to be done. It was my way of somehow justifying that I had not frittered away my day. That list was full of "shoulds" I needed to do. 

Now granted this  list was totally self-inflicted because  I never wanted to be accused of not being productive. Fast forward seven years and I've learned to cut myself some slack. Although, to be honest between working three days a week, attending to my parent's affairs, and taking care of my own home there isn't much free time to waste. 

However, taking the time to do something I want to do is important. Just as the last seven years have flown by quickly, I don't want to waste my days just checking things off a list. Make time to do something you enjoy today. 


  1. I shall and thanks for the reminder.

  2. How true! I've experienced the same thing. I feel guilty if I'm not busy all day long; I think I'm a failure if I don't have a calendar full of tasks. An article I just read said that our bodies were not meant to work continuously; short breaks--even naps--are good for us and actually make us more productive afterwards. I've begun to think about this and feel less guilty now about giving myself a few breaks during the course of the day. AnnMarie
