Thursday, July 27, 2017



I've discovered a really enchanting place at my apartments. It is a smaller courtyard tucked away on the other side of the building. It's focal point is a beautiful fountain surrounded by crape myrtle trees. It is flanked by several benches which call out to you to sit and stay awhile. 

Yesterday Cooper and I stopped for a few minutes to enjoy the peaceful trickling of the fountain. Although, it was warm outside the courtyard provides enough shade to make it a pleasant place to visit even in the middle of the day. 

As I sat there listening to the water I found myself uncomfortable doing nothing. I kept wishing I'd brought a book, and was tempted to check my phone. Except, I kept thinking that being able to take time out of your day for a few moments in quiet contemplation might be something to entertain. 

It's not easy for me to allow my mind to slow down and just be in the moment. I have the tendency to always want to go on to the next thing.  However, I thought I would make a point to come down and visit more frequently. There just is something about nature that is good for the soul. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, yes finding a peaceful place is a delight and a solace. I have a look in place that gives me that kind of comfort.
