Tuesday, July 25, 2017



One of my favorite things to do in the morning while I'm getting ready for the day is to listen to podcasts. The podcast app on your phone or tablet really makes this quite easy, and one of my favorites is Happier with Gretchen Rubin. 

Gretchen and her sister, screenwriter Elizabeth Craft, spend about forty-five minutes discussing topics related to happiness. They give you "Try this at home" tips, and rate their actions using gold stars and demerits. I find myself always coming away with a new idea or two. 

Gretchen has always been a favorite of mine, and I have even met her in person at one of her speaking events. If you are interested she has several books out, including The Happiness Project to motivate you to find happiness in your everyday experiences. She's getting ready to go back on tour to promote her latest book, and I plan on attending.

In addition to her books I stumbled upon a fun magazine called Live Happy that you can get at Barnes and Noble. This is the perfect coffee shop publication if you'd like to steal away a little time for yourself. The editor of the magazine has also published a book entitled, Live Happy: Ten Practices for Choosing Joy by Deborah K. Heisz. This is an easy read, and leaves you ready to embrace happiness at every turn. 

I find myself drawn to books like these, not so much because I find myself unhappy, but rather because I truly believe that what you focus your energies on in life makes a big difference. Try to find your own happiness influences, and enjoy the moment. 

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