Thursday, July 20, 2017

Just Wondering?

Just wondering? 

 In my attempts to research healthy eating options I really don't know who to believe. It seems everyone has their own take on what's healthy.

Is dairy healthy or not? Is plant-based eating enough or should you eliminate oil 
as well? Cage free, free range or pasture raised eggs? Is soy actually a healthy alternative or does it contribute to dementia? 

Low fat, full fat, olive oil or coconut oil? Beef, chicken, pork or fish? How in the world are you supposed to know what to eat? Can we trust the food industry to be giving us the truth? GMO's, organic, gluten-free, dairy-free? 

As I try to make heads or tails of it all it just seems to get more and more confusing. All I'm wanting to do is eat healthy, but all that so called information out there seems to be getting in the way. Who do you trust?

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