Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Checking the Ingredients

Checking the ingredients. 

The other morning I was reading the ingredient list on my favorite Hazelnut creamer. Let me first tell you how much I love this creamer. It's from HEB, and I always make a point to pick some up in College Station when I'm visiting my daughter. I've even been known to stop at the store in Waco when traveling 
through to pick up a supply, and I've had my daughter bring some with her when she comes for a visit. 

Oh, I've tried other creamers, but none of the others ever seemed as good. One time it appeared that the store was out of creamer for a period of weeks, and both my daughter and I were getting close to panic mode. What were we going to do? Come to find out, they had completely changed the packaging, and it had been there all along. Crisis averted. 

Except, now that I'm starting to get more serious about what I'm actually injesting, I couldn't believe what I was reading in checking out the label. Let's just say that a degree in chemistry sure would have come in handy. My beloved creamer is basically just a bunch of chemicals. Chemicals that according to research are pretty much sending a message to my brain saying that I need more. 

Julia Child was known to have said, "You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces-just good food from fresh ingredients." I'm not even sure my creamer even counts as a food. As much as I hate to do it I think we are going to have to break-up. 

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