Friday, April 29, 2016

What If?

What if?

Do you spend a portion of your time asking this question? Sometimes it's fun to ask, "What if I won the lottery?" "What if I could retire early and travel around the country?" 

However, sometimes we ask a different kind of "what if" question. Questions like, "What if I fail?" "What if I embarrass myself?" "What if I'm rejected?" 

These types of "what if" questions can really hold us back when it comes to trying something new. Deborah K. Heisz in Live Happy states simply, "What if's stifle creativity before it can even blossom."  She continues by saying, "By leaving the 'tried and true' pathway of action or thought the individual exposes herself to possible failure and ridicule." 

However, it is only through these "what if" questions that progress and innovation comes about. When those failures happen, and they will, it is only through asking that question again that something is able to "blossom." Start asking yourself "what if" a little more often, and see what happens. 


  1. Could I interest you in taking an online class with me on self-compassion? The class is offered by Brené Brown and Kristen Neff and starts May 15. It has four lessons with videos and costs $60. I have read both their books and they have deeply impacted my life. Check it out on and scroll down to classes dealing with Love and Living.
    What if we did it together?

    1. Yes, I'd be interested. I'd enjoy hearing your take on everything. Have you registered yet?

    2. I have. I just finished her Living Brave class and found the last 12 weeks to be life changing. No, really, I am not exaggerating. I am able to act on a small percentage of what I've learned but I have some amazing tools. When posting on the class forum I encountered so many people, myself included, who have such negative self-talk. My daughter gave me Kristin Neff's book months ago and I thought it seemed simplistic, at first. Being kind to yourself is not self-indulgent or self absorbed, it is seeing yourself as a child of God, believing it, and acting from that truth. I am so glad to share it with someone I know, a little. :)

    3. I'll sign up today. I look forward to it! Thanks for including me.
