Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Classroom

The classroom. I've spent the majority of my life in the classroom. First as a student and then as a teacher. As a child I aspired to be Perry Mason or Nancy Drew. I never once seriously considered being a teacher. However, when the time came to attend college, I fell in love with my education classes. They were right up my alley. Just enough psychology combined with a good amount of crafting made my coursework fun and not a burden. I remember having to track the phases of the moon for a month. Each night I stood outside my dorm sketching the changing phases at exactly the same time. This and collecting aluminum foil potato boats from the cafeteria for my required science box were all fun things to me. Something else I have noticed about the classroom is how much I enjoy the physical space that it offers. Elementary classrooms are full of stuffed animals, games, books, seashell collections, and colorful posters. Just walking in each morning brings a smile to my face.  I've noticed over the years that whenever I visit a different workspace I find myself wondering if I would be happy working there. I must admit, I've not found a space I like more than the classroom. So although, I cannot say I grew up wanting to be a teacher, I'm glad the profession found me.


  1. I always wanted to be a teacher. I got married and started having children so it took 20 years to achieve my dream. But now I teach piano to 30 students every week. My classroom is my piano studio and I do like it there. Are you still in your classroom everyday?

    1. I actually retired from full time teaching seven years ago. I now tutor reading and math to K-1 students three days a week. 30 piano students is quite a bit. My daughter took piano lessons for about 5 years, but she never really loved it. I still don't regret exposing her to music lessons , though.

  2. Great post. I still dream of the day I find the courage to take the plunge into teaching. What joy, to be surrounded daily by little minds filled with such potential!
    Now, as I tour school options for my son's upcoming kindergarten year, foremost in my mind is the thought: "this is where I'm meant to be." What a blessing and honor, for you to have enjoyed a career in the classroom, shaping the lives of the next generation!

    1. Thank you

      Thank you Kristine. Hopefully you will find a way to be in the classroom. Even volunteering at your son's school is a way to interact with those little minds. Thanks for reading and commenting. I look forward to hearing from you again.
