Monday, December 7, 2015


Color. I was drawn to a box of Sharpie markers the other day. Not just any box, but a big, beautiful box of thirty different colors for the unbelievable price of ten dollars. I passed it by several times convincing myself that I didn't really need it. I even left the store and tried to forget about them. But somehow they kept calling my name. I'm partial to Sharpies because they don't run, and are perfect for outlining. You can fill them in with Crayola markers or colored pencils; it's really just up to you. A few days later when I returned I knew I had to buy them before they were gone. I try not to fall prey to a lot of impulse buys, but every now and then you just have to succumb. Especially when you can't wait to try them out. I've been out of pocket for the last week, so today's the day I plan on getting my color on. As Oscar Wilde likes to say, "Mere color can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways." I'm glad I listened.