Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Ornaments. I'm a sucker for a sentimental Christmas ornament. Years ago I started collecting Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments. As I've been unwrapping them this year I am reminded of so many great memories. I've got a gallery collection of past and present pets, my daughter's activities throughout her childhood, and  funny moments that make us laugh. This year I added a new ornament celebrating the birth of our little grandson. In addition I chose a really cute camper to help keep the dream alive about some future travels. Along with the Hallmark collection I have ornaments given to me by former students, from friends and family, and from ornament exchanges. Although, a beautifully decorated tree is quite eye appealing, I get a kick out of adding those special personal ornaments each year. About twenty years ago we accidentally gave away all our ornaments from the first years of our marriage. They had been packed along with an old tree by the movers, and we were unaware that they were there. It sure made for one sad tree that year. I still remember that cute wooden reindeer from our very first Christmas as a married couple. Luckily, I still have a picture of it, and over the years I've been able to add to our collection. Well, I better get back to work. That tree won't decorate itself!