Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Optimism. Are you an optimist? Now this may actually sounds like a good quality because optimists are generally hopeful, and hopeful people tend to deal with stress in a healthier way. However, there is this crazy little thing called cognitive bias. Apparently, we are hard-wired to create our own reality from our perceptions. In fact Dr. Phil always said, "Perception is reality." The way we perceive our world can sometimes make little rational sense. Because overly optimistic people look at the world though rose colored glasses they may believe it is a better place than it actually is. This results in not always being fully  prepared for the danger the world might present. So what are we to do with this tidbit of information? As much as you may want to  give the  benefit of the doubt to someone, it is important to balance your optimism with realism.  I've found that trusting that gut feeling does have some merit. Look for middle ground when it comes to your perceptions. I call it smart optimism.


  1. Hello, I was browsing through and found your post. I would consider myself a realist. But, perhaps some would say pessimist. I agree that one needs to have a balance of the two. I like that “smart optimism".

  2. Thanks for reading and your input Lynda.
