Monday, August 24, 2015

Living Richly

Living richly. I saw a quote the other day by Dave Ramsey that said, "You don't have to be wealthy to live richly." I feel blessed that I learned this lesson long ago. As a single school teacher back in the late 70's and early 80's I made a very modest income. However, I never really felt that I did without. I roomed with my best friend to share expenses, drove a used Chevette, and kept my expenses within my means. I learned that you did not have to have expensive things, travel to exotic places or have a fancy home to feel rich. I also learned through teaching young children each day, that it really was the simple things in life that brought you the most joy. As life went on and I married and continued to make more money in my career, I still held onto the belief that money wasn't the only way to happiness.  Now I certainly was not naive about the cost of living, but I still looked for those simple ways to enjoy life. I can honestly say that I have been rich my entire life, although not necessarily wealthy in the conventional way. 

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