Tuesday, July 7, 2015

A Bump in the Road

A bump in the road. Have you ever hit a bump in the road? I did this morning when I stepped on the scale. Basically a bump in the road is a setback. In the past I would have allowed a bump to set me off course completely.  I was one of those all or nothing people. If I couldn't do it perfectly I would give up all together. I have learned though, that the effort required to continue on the road is worth it. I've also learned that there will always be setbacks. They just seem to be a part of life and it is up to me how I choose to deal with them. I know what needs to be done and I need to take that first step. Have you ever allowed a bump in the road to hold you back ?


  1. Thanks for the reminder not to let bumps get in the way of our goals. AnnMarie
