Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Values. What do you say you value? Family? Friends? Faith? How do you actually spend your time? Do you spend the majority of your time on what you value? If you say you value health, do you take the time to plan, purchase and prepare healthy foods? Or do you run through the drive-through picking up something quick and easy? Do you take the time to be active or are you on the couch watching hours of television? If you say you value reading, do you actually take time to read? If you value finances are you being a good steward with your money? If you value faith, how much of it really is a part of your life? Today I listened to a podcast entitled " Simple Life Together. "They raised the question about whether your time matched your values?  It really got me to thinking about my own life. It is easy to say you value something, but don't actions speak louder than words? I plan on reflecting about what I value in my life. I'm going to make a list of my values and my actions. If they don't align I'm going to take steps to change that. We only get one life and I want mine to actually be mine.


  1. This spoke to me... is speaking to me...

  2. Thanks Tondra. It did me as well as I am thinking about how I am spending my day. Take care.

  3. This is something that really got me thinking. Thank you for that! I think I spend too much time being distracted by social media and the internet. WHY do I feel the need to be distracted? WHAT am I avoiding? This is something I need to spend some time on. AnnMarie

  4. I am wondering this more and more. It is all about walking the walk, and not just talking the talk. I have been also thinking about the level of commitment I actually have to the things I say I want to do. Hmmm, sounds like another post.
