Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Well I caught up on last week's Grey's Anatomy tonight. It definitely was a tear jerker. One very powerful scene had to do with sadness and pain. I have noticed that in our society we strive to be happy. Now there is nothing wrong with happiness. To be honest, I prefer it. But, the reality is that not everything we experience leaves you with a smile. A little over two months ago my family went through a very difficult time period. We saw our Dad rapidly declining and knew that changes were going to have to be made. There were times during this process when all I could do was cry. Most of the time I can handle things pretty efficiently. This was not one of those times. Each day I got up, did as much as I could, cried, and accepted the love and help from family, friends and even strangers. I allowed myself to feel the hurt. I allowed the tears to flow, and sadness to settle. Those were two of the longest months of my life. Now everything is not perfect today, but it is so much better. I'm still doing my best to handle each situation as it arises. But I have worked past some of the sadness, and my life is taking on a new normal. Oh, there are still moments, but that is okay, because life is sometimes sad.  But, the love and kindness I have experienced through this has taught me that I don't have to always have all the answers. Sometimes you just need a good cry.

1 comment:

  1. Shari, you write about the reality of tough decisions. This indeed is part of life and at the end we will know the experience somehow made us a better person. Thank you for your wisdom. AnnMarie
