Monday, August 31, 2015

"Pet Delights"

"Pet delights."  Dallas Morning News columnist Steve Blow wrote a piece about "pet delights" yesterday. We are all familiar with pet peeves; you know the little things that get under your skin and drive you crazy? We all seem to have our own personal list.  "Pet delights,"  on the other hand, are all those things that bring us joy. He included quite a long list of delights, and it got me to thinking about my own.  A single scoop of Braum's vanilla ice cream in a waffle cone, a newly sharpened number two pencil on a pristine piece of wide ruled notebook paper,  Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman falling in love in While You Were Sleeping, and the smell of leaves burning on an autumn day are just a few. Pet delights add that level of gratitude that sweetens life. What are your "pet delights?"

Friday, August 28, 2015


Reassurance. I think it's wonderful that there are people in the world who cross your path to offer reassurance. This happened to me this week. I have been struggling to stay motivated in my quest to maintain my weight loss from a couple of years ago. Although, the end result of a healthy weight is a reward of its own, life seems to get in the way with all it's twists and turns. And just like anything that begins to become routine, old and mundane, your motivation can begin to wane. Isn't it a blessing though, that we can meet people along the way who have walked in our shoes? People who can offer that bit of reassurance that it can be done. People whose positive outlook on their circumstances can offer just the right words to keep you motivated. I'm so glad I met someone yesterday who was there to reassure me. In the wise words of Winnie the Pooh, "A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference."

Thursday, August 27, 2015


Travel. St. Augustine is credited with the saying, "The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page." The interesting thing about travel, though, is that research shows that for some of us, planning the vacation is just as enjoyable as actually taking the vacation. For me this rings true. I am a planner by nature, a list maker, a researcher and spending time before my actual vacation dreaming about the places I want to visit all brings me great pleasure. I come by this honestly as my Dad a former military officer used to have our vacations planned to the tee. I remember before our famous 1976 Bicentennial vacation to New England, him sitting at the kitchen table sharing the itinerary of our trip. I can honestly, say that was one of  my best vacation yet, and returned home a changed person. Now, I have had many friends who have encouraged me to be more spontaneous in my travels; to allow the trip to evolve on its own. And I must admit that there was one black bear I would never have seen if my husband hadn't insisted we take the scenic route through The Smokey Mountains National Park. However, the pleasure I derive from the planning and anticipation of the trip makes it all that more enjoyable for me. Now, most of the time my husband is okay with this, but he still requests a little leeway when it comes to the off  beaten path. I guess the lesson learned here is twofold, "To thine own self be true," but be open to the possibilities presented by the unknown. Safe travels my friends.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

A Quest

A quest. The definition of a quest is a long or arduous search for something. Have you ever been on a quest? I just started reading Chris Guillebeau's book, The Happiness of Pursuit where he begins by talking about quests. Now I began to think about my own life, and was reminded of a time when my husband and I went on a Pez Quest. We went from grocery store to grocery store scooping up all the different Pez dispensers we could find. Don't ask me why we got started on this quest because that still remains a mystery to me. What I do know was that it was a lot of fun as we watched our collection grow. We began with single dispensers, but moved on to the Pez Collector's sets. Friends soon began keeping an eye out for new dispensers. What this actually resulted in was hundreds of Pez dispensers and a stack of Collector's sets all taking up space in our closet. Along with those little candy havens are hundreds of Beanie Babies all waiting for a little grandson to be old enough to play with them. My daughter and I  had a quest of our own. We relentlessly searched for the newest arrivals, poured over Beanie Baby books, and dreamed about someday owning them all. My husband joined in making parking lot deals at McDonald's, all the while wearing a fanny pack stuffed with tiny Beanie Babies we could use for trade. Looking  back on it, it all seemed pretty crazy, but once again we had a lot of fun. I guess often times quests are serious and important, but maybe sometimes it's a way to spend time with those you love and make some memories. Start your own quest today.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Doing Your Best

Doing your best. Football player, James Harrison made the news the other day for sending back his sons' participation trophies.  However, what he said, more than what he did made an impression on me. He said that doing "your best" is sometimes not enough. That sometimes you have to dig deeper and push yourself to do more. I began teaching in the late 70's when we spent a lot of time promoting a feel good, self esteem above all, give everyone a sticker, never critique their artwork kind of teaching. Now I certainly endorse encouragement when it comes to children. Our words are powerful and can be life changing. However, I think we do our children a disservice when we ascribe to what I call the "American Idol" mentality. You know, where it doesn't matter if you have any real talent or have spent anytime practicing, as long as it is "your dream" than you deserve to win. It's actually a very entitled way to look at life. I have a lot of respect for James Harrison and his young sons who are lucky to have him as a father and role model. He is teaching them not to fall back on the convenient excuse of doing "my best." Rather, he is instructing them that if your best is not enough, than keep trying, keep improving and truly earn that trophy.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Living Richly

Living richly. I saw a quote the other day by Dave Ramsey that said, "You don't have to be wealthy to live richly." I feel blessed that I learned this lesson long ago. As a single school teacher back in the late 70's and early 80's I made a very modest income. However, I never really felt that I did without. I roomed with my best friend to share expenses, drove a used Chevette, and kept my expenses within my means. I learned that you did not have to have expensive things, travel to exotic places or have a fancy home to feel rich. I also learned through teaching young children each day, that it really was the simple things in life that brought you the most joy. As life went on and I married and continued to make more money in my career, I still held onto the belief that money wasn't the only way to happiness.  Now I certainly was not naive about the cost of living, but I still looked for those simple ways to enjoy life. I can honestly say that I have been rich my entire life, although not necessarily wealthy in the conventional way. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Old Friends

Old friends. I had the pleasure of meeting up with an old friend the other day. The thing I like about these kinds of friends is that you pick up right where you left off. I know in life that sometimes our paths don't cross like they used to, but it's good to know that your friendship still has value. We enjoyed catching up, asking about family, and sharing memories from the past. I hope in your life you are making these kinds of friends and memories. You will find that friends like these enrich your life, and you will have been a better person in knowing them. The Girl Scouts used to sing a song, "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold." I treasure my "gold" friends from times gone by. How about you?

Thursday, August 20, 2015

A New Perspective

A new perspective.  Have you ever thought about something one way and then something happened that made you change your mind?  I am bad about quickly jumping to conclusions, and thinking that I know why people act the way they do.  But the reality is that I am only looking at it from my perspective thinking that I truly understand. What has taken many years to realize is that I really don't understand, and my jump to judgement stands in the way of a deeper relationship with that person. It stands in the way of true compassion for those whose shoes I've never worn. So what am I to do with this new perspective? Stop making assumptions. Start looking with fresh eyes and as the prayer of St. Francis reminds me to seek understanding.  In so many ways we really are more the same than we are different.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Gratitude. Several years ago Gratitude Journals became all the rage. At the end of each day you were to jot down three to five things that you were grateful for. In fact, research shows that people who embrace gratitude are happier. It is so easy to overlook the blessings in your life, because they are always there. Taking them for granted becomes a way of life. Gratitude is replaced with longing. Rather than spend your days focusing on what you don't have, spend it being thankful for those things you do have. I like the words of author Brene Brown, "I don't have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness- it's right in front of me if I'm paying attention and practicing gratitude."

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Devoted. Have you ever had someone who was completely devoted to you?  Someone who wanted to be with you all the time?  Someone who hung on your every word and looked lovingly at you for hours on end?  No, I'm not talking about a stalker, I'm talking about my poodle Cooper.  I have never experienced such love, loyalty and adoration. He lives to be by my side, literally. You know how some dogs were bred to herd or hunt?  Apparently Cooper's job falls under the category of companion. Now I'm not complaining about this.  No way, I adore him as well and love having him as my side kick. John Grogan, the author of Marley and Me  said it well, "Many of the qualities that come so effortlessly to dogs- loyalty, devotion, selflessness, unflagging optimism, unqualified love- can be elusive to humans." We could learn a thing or two from these canine companions.

Monday, August 17, 2015


Comparison. They say comparison is the "thief of joy." Why is it in knowing this I still allow comparison to take the wind out of my sails? Why is it so easy to look at how someone else does something and automatically think that it is so much better? Why is it necessary to compare in the first place? Don Miguel Ruiz in The Four Agreements teaches not to take anything personally; good or bad. In allowing yourself to judge your life based on the opinions of others you rob yourself of the sheer value of you. Each of us is unique. Each of us not only has our own fingerprint, but we have our own unique life print as well.  Our DNA, our physical appearance, our gifts, talents, and abilities are uniquely our own. We do not need to compare. Allow the joy of you not to be diminished through comparison.

Friday, August 14, 2015

The Unknown

The unknown. I found this quote by Jennifer Aniston the other day. "I love the unknown. I love the discovery of what will be happening and just kind of sitting back and not knowing." My first reaction was how is this even possible? Love the unknown?  Sit back?  Not knowing?  This seemed so completely foreign to me. But I got to thinking about the adventure of the unknown. Having every moment planned might bring a sense of security, but at the same time results in a very predictable life. I want to make room for more spontaneity in my life. Don't be reluctant to allow the unknown in your life.

Thursday, August 13, 2015


Adorable. Isn't this picture adorable? Sweet little Cooper snuggling up to our Bassett Hound Molly. What could be any sweeter? Except that Molly literally never acknowledged Cooper. She had nothing to do with him. As far as Cooper was concerned he never existed in Molly's eyes. We used to get a kick out of watching Cooper try to get Molly to acknowledge him. She never would. Come to think of it Molly was pretty much the same way with my daughter's puppy, Ellie, who was always giving Molly kisses to no avail. Molly basically thought of herself as an only dog. But it does make a cute picture!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Growth. I love this quote by Twyla Tharp, "I read for growth, firmly believing that what you are today and what you will be in five years depends on two things: the people you meet and the books you read." I have been fortunate to have had the extra time over the last few years to indulge in reading. I have learned so much about myself and others. I have been challenged to try new things, engage in conversations, and most of all to reach out and express myself using the written word. You might considering adding more reading to your life. Whether it is the newspaper at breakfast, a blog or two during the day or a fiction book before bedtime, reading will allow you to experience growth. Don't allow the fact that you are no longer a student to hold you back. Read and grow.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Just Like Family

Just like family. The other day Cooper and I were visiting my Dad. A lot of our visits are spent sitting quietly just enjoying each other's company. I like to try to keep the conversation rolling along, but that is not always possible. Today one of the nurses from home health stopped by to check in on Dad. He immediately stood up and gave her a hug. He was genuinely happy to see her. It made me realize that Dad has a whole new family now in addition to us. His family now includes all the caretakers that he sees each day.  Although, Dad's life is very different from before, there is still meaning there. I'm happy that Dad felt inclined to give one of his caretakers a hug, just like the rest of his family.

Monday, August 10, 2015

If Only

If only. Have you ever been guilty of the if onlies? You know, the way you try to convince yourself that your life would be so much better if only... In fact, you might use a lot of your time ruminating over that amazing life that could be...if only. I'm guilty of this. I find myself thinking about something I might want and automatically jump to the conclusion that things would be so much better if only....Why do we seem to think that something we don't have and may never have is automatically better than what we do have? Now there is nothing wrong with dreams of the future, but don't use up the time you have now on the if onlies... Socrates said, "He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have."

Friday, August 7, 2015


Limits. Sometimes we look at limits as being negative. We consider them as something that holds us back and we wish they were not there. However, limits can actually be beneficial. They can provide the framework that we may need to accomplish our goals. The trick is, though, finding that balance between safety and inertia. If we are using our limits more like a leash holding us back out of fear then we are misusing them. Rather we should use limits more to our advantage to help keep us on track. On the other hand, don't be too quick to place limits on yourself  before you have actually tried. Be realistic about your limitations, and challenge yourself to go a little further. Take the time to expand your limits  and you might be surprised at what you are capable of achieving. 

Thursday, August 6, 2015


Thoughts. Aristotle said, "We are what we repeatedly do." However, have you ever considered what you repeatedly think?  Is your natural default towards optimism or pessimism?  Research has found that those who are optimistic about life tend to be healthier both physically and mentally. I couldn't help but be reminded of the verse from Phillipians, "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think such things." If you become what you repeatedly do or think then make sure it is praiseworthy.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Dog Days of Summer

Dog days of summer. There is an expression about the dog days of summer. I think we are there. When the temperature starts reaching 100 degrees on a daily basis, I find my motivation waning. In an effort to conserve energy I have been keeping the blinds closed. Although, that may result in a lower electric bill, it doesn't do much for my spirits. Yesterday after running morning errands I gave myself the luxury of a light filled house. Somehow it was much easier to declutter and to take care of a few housekeeping items that needed attention. I can't wait for cooler weather when I can start opening a few windows and let in some fresh air. How about you?  Does the weather affect your mood?  

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Lion and the Lamb

The Lion and the Lamb. One day I looked over and saw my puppy and my cat lying right next to each other. Infact, they were actually touching. It was a sight I never expected to see. Abby, my lion was none too crazy about the new puppy I had brought home several months before. However, Cooper, my lamb wanted nothing more than to be best friends with the cat. All I can say is that it was the gift of time that allowed this to happen.  Sometimes there is nothing more we can do, but give it time. I'm happy to say that although, the two are not best of friends, they do peacefully coexist.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Field Trip

Field Trip. We went on a little field trip this past Saturday. We had been wanting to check out the new Buc--ee's in Terrell. Now if you haven't ever been, the best way to describe it is Stuckey's on steroids. When I first moved to Texas back in the late 60's we stopped at a Stucky's along the highway for a drink. I ordered a Dr. Pepper for the first and last time in my life. Let's just say, it wasn't my cup of tea! Stucky's was known for it's pecan logs and dusty plastic souvenirs. Buc-ee's on the other hand is amazing and known for its bathrooms. I honestly think I could return in December and do all of my Christmas shopping there at once. We sampled some delicious BBQ and a snack pack of turkey and cheese, followed by a yummy mini pecan pie. If you are needing any Texas related jelly, sauce or jam this is your place. How about you? Have you ever been to Buc-ee's?