Friday, July 31, 2015

The Selfie

The selfie. When I was a teenager back in the seventies we had these things called instamatic cameras.  Now to be honest, they only came with a few shots per roll of film, so there were not a lot of shots to waste. However, I don't ever remember taking shots of myself.  I did however take pictures of friends, family, celebrations, vacations and nature. What amazes me today is the popularity of the selfie. Why they have even invented the selfie stick to make it easier.  I'm just thinking back to the day when most people didn't really think they were that photogentic. I guess fourty some odd years has produced a better looking population that can't seem to get enough of itself in photos. In the spirit of this trend I took a selfie of Cooper and me in the car.  Now I must say he looks really dashing, but me, not so much. I can't help but think those teenaged selfies would probably have been much better!

Thursday, July 30, 2015


Bloom. "Bloom Where You Are Planted," was a popular phrase when I was a teenager. I'm not exactly sure I caught its true meaning back then, but it sounded really hip. The other day I saw a beautiful sunflower growing out of a crack in the sidewalk. It literally was the only living thing in sight. I couldn't help but be reminded about this old adage.  It got me to thinking about how sometimes we don't have complete control over where we are planted; that circumstances might be out of our control. However, it is still possible to find contentment.  Don't allow the circumstances of your life to hold you back completely. Allow yourself to bloom.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Camper

The camper. I've been dreaming about the camper ever since I was sixteen years old. My best friend's family had just gotten one and I was totally impressed. I was especially enthralled with the organizational ability of my friend's mother. She had everything sorted and labeled and ready to go. It was heavenly. In my twenties I tore out a picture from a magazine of a VW van that could double as a camper. I've carried that picture around for years. Now to be honest, during the time that my daughter was growing up I didn't give much thought to camping. She and her Dad once camped out in the back yard, but that was pretty much the extent of our camping experience. However, now I can't seem to quite get it out of my head. I don't see myself packing up the house  and trading it in for an RV. I don't see myself traveling for months at a time. I kind of envision just getting away for the weekend with a small, simple camper of sorts. But then I start to think about the mosquitoes, and the heat, and I have to wonder if maybe it made a better dream than reality. Have you ever been camping?

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Let it Roll

Let it roll. Are you a person who can go with the flow?  Someone who can change plans on a dime and be perfectly content?  I wish I could say I was that way.  Unfortunately,  when my plans change I have a difficult time making it all right. When my initial plans go awry, I find myself out of sorts. My motivation tanks and I don't really want to do anything. However, it bothers me that I'm so controlled by this. I want to be able to switch my plans and say, "That's fine, I'll make the best of it." How about you?  Do you roll with the punches or let it ruin your day?

Monday, July 27, 2015


Smoothies. We received a NutriBullet last Christmas, and have found it fits in beautifully with our attempt to eat more real food. We usually begin with a layer of baby spinach, although we have used kale as well.  Then we add some frozen mixed fruit.  This is important because it gives the drink the coolness it requires without adding ice. We top it off with whatever fresh fruit we have on hand. Be aware though, that if you add banana it will basically over take the flavor combination. Not that we don't like banana, it's just that we don't want every drink to taste the same. We top it off with a little local honey for sweetness and some cold water.  The beauty of the NutriBullet is the easy cleanup, the relatively low calorie count, and the nutrition provided. It might be worth checking out if you are trying to incorporate more healthy choices in your day.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Cooper and My Dad

Cooper and my Dad.  There is an interesting relationship between these two.  Growing up we never had a dog for a pet.  People like to claim that they are either a dog person or a cat person.  I don't think my Dad is really either.  We eventually got a family cat, but I think that push came from my Mom.  Dad has told stories about being chased and bitten by a dog when he used to help the milkman deliver milk via horse and buggy. However, Cooper has won over Dad's heart.  When I go to visit Dad, I like to bring Cooper as well. Dad's face really lights up when Cooper bounds into the room often times landing in his lap. Now I can tell that Dad is not that comfortable knowing how to handle a dog, but he always lets Cooper know that he is a good boy. Before Cooper was born I had given some thought to him being a therapy dog. I'll have to admit that his excitability is still a concern as to whether he would qualify. However, I know he's doing some really important work when it comes to my Dad.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Decisions. You Are Your Decisions is the name of the chapter I am reading in Roadmap by Roadtrip Nation I  guess I hadn't really looked at life that way, but it caused me to pause and think about the decisions I have made in my life. Every decision whether to act or not to act all help to create bit by bit the person we become. Some decisions are life changing; others may not appear to be at first glance.  However, those small decisions may have a drip by drip effect eventually resulting in something significant. I think it's important to give some thought to those seemingly insignificant decisions. Take a moment to walk through where they might lead. Each day we are given fresh opportunities to make better decisions. How lucky are we.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Destination. Have you given much thought about your destination?  I'm reading a new book entitled Roadmap written by Roadtrip Nation. They ask this question, "Are you heading toward a destination you really want to reach?  It's an interesting question, because sometimes I think we just kind of go along in life not really paying close enough attention to where we might end up. Take a minute to check your road map to see if that is really where you want to be. It is never too late to change your destination.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Popcorn. I've always been a big fan of popcorn. I remember the delicious smell of freshly popped  corn as I entered Sears on Jefferson Ave. as a young teen.  Movies were more about the buttery goodness of a big bag of popcorn than the movie itself.  Back in the 70's before owning a microwave, I remember the magic of microwave popcorn from Snappy Jack around the corner.  For the last twenty-five years popcorn has become my go to snack. I enjoyed the convenience of microwave popcorn for years until I read that some of the chemicals in the packaging could be unhealthy.  In my attempt to eat more real foods, I went back to the old way of popping corn; on the stove in oil. However, now I'm reading that canola and vegetable oils are really not that healthy either. Yesterday I tried a new way to pop popcorn in the microwave and it actually was quite good. I had read about it on the 100 Days of Real Food website, and basically all you do is put 1/4 cup popcorn kernels into a small brown paper lunch sack and pop it for around 3 minutes and 15 seconds. Make sure to listen carefully as the popping winds down. Voila!  You end up with perfectly popped corn. Next I put it in a bowl and spritzed it with some olive oil and sprinkled Parmesan cheese on top. Now granted it was not quite as oily as stove popped, but boy was the cleanup easy! With a package of 50 lunch sacks at $1.00 and popcorn at $1.88 this really ends up being pretty economical. You might want to give it a try. 

Monday, July 20, 2015

10,000 Steps

10,000 steps.  The ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu says that, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."  I'm keeping this in mind as I attempt to reach 10,000 steps each day.  This appears to be the magic number calculated as a way to stay physically fit.  In an effort to do so my husband and I invested in a pair of Fit Bits for our birthdays this year.  They actually have been quite fun!  Not only do they track your steps, but they track your sleep patterns as well. They sync with your smart phone and let you compare from day to day your results. Now I can't say I've reached 10,000 steps very often, but when I have my Fit Bit  buzzes and sends me all kinds of positive accolations as well as giving me  stars on my phone. They say that tracking results helps you to reach your goals. Now I'm not so sure about walking the thousand miles, but I do think walking a few extra steps each day can go a long way toward better health.

Friday, July 17, 2015


Tarnish. The other day I chose a pair of earrings that I had not worn in a long time. I noticed they were extremely tarnished and needed to be polished. It was amazing how quickly they were restored back to their original luster with just a little time and care. It got me to thinking about how often we neglect things in our life; not only possessions, but relationships as well. It is easy to "forget" and allow things in our life to tarnish. However, taking the time to relocate or reconnect might be all it takes to bring back the joy that it once provided. Take a minute to think about the things in your life that might need a little polishing.

Thursday, July 16, 2015


Tomorrow. Somehow we always think we will have tomorrow. Somehow we think we can put off everything until tomorrow. But, the truth is that tomorrow might never come. Today may be all we really have. A friend of mine will never get to live another tomorrow. Today was her last day on this earth. She has left behind a loving family, and more friends, co-workers and students to count. This has been evident in the last few days through the outpouring of love and support for Mary. She made a difference in the world each and every day. Right now everyone is at a loss as to how to go on. Her family is devastated. Her school grieves for her and how they will be able to begin a new school year without her presence. But, you know the thing about Mary. She really knew how to live.  Each and every day she gave her best, her all, and people like that cannot be forgotten. Over the years Mary taught a lot of little kindergarteners  how to tie their shoes, and more importantly how to read. I can't help but believe that Mary is still teaching us something today; how to live a life fully and honestly with much gusto. To Mary my sweet friend who always greeted me with a hug when I came to visit. 

The Road Not Taken

The road not taken. When I was a senior in high school I fell in love with the poetry of Robert Frost. I especially loved The Road Not Taken.  As I envisioned my future, I liked to think that I would be the person in the poem who chose the path less travelled. I liked to think that in choosing that path it would make all the difference. As I look back on my path now I'm not sure I accomplished that. I think I chose the well worn path. Now I'm not sure that disappoints me, though, because we all have our own path to live. Sometimes we look at the really remarkable paths and wonder why we could not have lived that life?  But you see, I think  for what ever reason we probably live a life pretty true to our nature.  Some of us like to wander and others prefer home.  Some like noise and crowds and risk.  Others prefer quiet and solitude and stability.  I don't know if there actually is a "correct" path, worn or not. In looking back over your life which path did you choose?  Did it make all the difference?

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Reframing. Have you ever been caught in a negative loop of thinking? It seemed no matter what you did, you just couldn't shake the negativity. In the long run that kind of thinking does you no good. You end up wasting a lot of valuable time that you will never be able to regain.  Have you ever considered reframing the situation and choosing a better attitude?  Sometimes this is difficult to do because the people around you might be stuck in the loop as well. But, taking the time to reflect on how you can look at the situation differently may be the first step toward contentment and happiness. Have you ever reframed a situation for the better?

Monday, July 13, 2015

Greener Grass

Greener grass.  Have you ever been guilty of thinking that the grass was greener on the other side?  We used to have cows on our farm and it wasn't unusual to see them sticking their necks through the barb wired fence just to get to the grass on the other side of the fence. Now the funny thing was that the grass was pretty much the same on both sides. But, what does a cow know? Unfortunately, I've been guilty of the very same thing. Thinking that something I don't have will be better than what I already have. In thinking like this, I'm actually taking for granted the existing blessings in my life. Take a moment today to reflect on the blessings you have and don't let that elusive blade of green grass get in the way.

Friday, July 10, 2015

100 Posts

100 posts. Today marks my 100th post. I consider that a milestone of sorts. When I first contemplated writing a blog, I let my fear of not knowing how to start hold me back. Then I worried about how it might be received in the world?  When a friend of mine started a blog, I knew I would regret not at least attempting one of my own. I've kept it relatively simple, and have definitely learned along the way. Thanks for reading, liking on Face Book and commenting. All of these things have encouraged me to continue writing. If there is something you have been contemplating doing I encourage you to take the plunge. 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Dad's Birthday

Dad's birthday. We celebrated Dad's 87th birthday the other day. It was actually quite fun and Dad really enjoyed himself. He laughed, ate cake, and enjoyed spending time with his family. Now the next day when I asked him about the party, he couldn't quite remember that it had happened. I laughed and told him it did, and that he had had a great time!  When visiting Dad you have to enjoy the simple moments; the kiss upon your cheek, him introducing you as his daughter, and him thanking you for caring for him. It's hard to see dementia robbing Dad of his independence, of his ability to communicate, and his old life. But in life we don't always get to choose the cards we are dealt. I am appreciative of each day that he recognizes me, because I know there will come a day when he may not. Happy Birthday Dad!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Rejection. What if you were not affected by rejection?  What if rejection just rolled off your back like water off a duck? Can you imagine all that you might be capable of achieving? I never really could relate to the saying, "It's easier to beg forgiveness, than ask permission." I just chose to do neither.  Begging forgiveness was risking rejection, and asking permission might end in a "No." But I think the time has to come to say enough is enough. It's time to face "No."  It's time to look rejection square in the eye. It's time to live a more courageous life.  Jia Jiang in his book, Rejection Proof, did just that. In fact, he created a 100 day experiment of setting himself up for rejection. What he learned was life changing. Have you ever allowed the possibility of rejection to hold you back?

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

A Bump in the Road

A bump in the road. Have you ever hit a bump in the road? I did this morning when I stepped on the scale. Basically a bump in the road is a setback. In the past I would have allowed a bump to set me off course completely.  I was one of those all or nothing people. If I couldn't do it perfectly I would give up all together. I have learned though, that the effort required to continue on the road is worth it. I've also learned that there will always be setbacks. They just seem to be a part of life and it is up to me how I choose to deal with them. I know what needs to be done and I need to take that first step. Have you ever allowed a bump in the road to hold you back ?

Monday, July 6, 2015


Review. Have you ever undergone an annual review at work? Have you ever considered doing an annual review of your personal life? Dan and Vanessa Hayes of the podcast series Simple Life Together recommend doing just that. How often do you take the time to ask what is working in your life and what is not? How often do you give yourself credit for the accomplishments of the last year? Just taking a little time to review your habits might be what it takes to help you stay motivated in the right direction, or possibly even a new direction. It also allows you to set new goals for the next year. This review can start at any time and doesn't have to begin at the new year. I just finished mine and encourage you to do the same.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


Aging. Remember when you were young and you proudly declared that you were six and a half? Remember how those milestone birthdays like eighteen and twenty one were all signs of being a grown up? Of course there were mixed feelings about each new decade that you entered. People kept assuring you that forty was the new thirty. I'm getting ready to reach my last birthday in the fifties. Now actually, I feel pretty good at this age both physically and emotionally. However, the reality is that aging is not some feel good commercial. We all want to cling to the idea that we will be that one exceptional senior who is beating the odds. As much as we want that to be us, who really knows? I have experienced loved ones for whom aging has been a real challenge. What I do know is that I may not have control over what the future brings, but I may have some input through the choices I make today. Think about how what you are choosing to do today might effect your aging tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Abundance. I've been giving a little thought to abundance, and its meaning. One definition of abundance is an oversufficient supply of something. Sufficient seems to just  not be enough for many people. Now I thought this was interesting in that we generally have more than enough in our lives as it is. Have you ever considered taking a short break from consumerism? Some people participate in spending freezes for a predetermined period of time. What this results in is not only money saved, but an opportunity to be more creative with your existing abundance. Instead of running out to pick up a meal you might challenge yourself to use what you already have in your pantry. You might reuse or repurpose something you already own. You might begin to realize that your abundance is not actually in your material possessions. Rather, it is in your relationships, and experiences. Epicurus said, "Not what we have but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance." Start enjoying the abundance already present in your life.