Friday, May 29, 2015


Simplicity. According to Socrates, "The secret of happiness you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less." We've spent a life time being told to seek more, be more, do more.  But, I'm finding that the popular phrase, "Less is more," might be the better way to go. After years of accumulating you begin to feel the weight of having to manage so many possessions.  You begin to realize that not taking out a loan to buy that next big purchase gives you more margin in your budget. Simple meals made from fresh ingredients are not only healthy, but delicious. A quiet night at home with friends or family is quite enjoyable. You stop looking for that next big thing to do and start taking pleasure in the simple things. This is really a very satisfying way to live your life. I guess an old Greek philosopher knew what he was talking about.

Thursday, May 28, 2015


Libraries. "I have found the most valuable thing in my wallet is my library card." These are the words of former librarian and former First Lady Laura Bush. There is a lot of truth in these words. It is easy to equate wealth with monetary value. However, if you begin to study about some of the wealthiest people of today, a common thread amongst them is they spend more time reading than watching television. Renowned pediatric neurosurgeon, Ben Carson attributes the beginning of his success to a mother who insisted he read and report on two books a week from his local Detroit Library. One of my prized possessions of my mother-in-law is her library card. It represents to me her love of reading which is something we shared. I will be forever grateful that my Dad introduced me to the library, and I have many memories of out time spent there together. I'm hoping someday to introduce my new grandchild to the wonders of books and a magical place called the library.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Amateur. Why does this word seem to lack respect? Why does amateur pale in comparison to professional?  What exactly is an amateur? An amateur is simply a person who engages in an activity for pleasure rather than for financial gain. Being an amateur actually lifts a huge weight off of your shoulders. You can participate in something on your own terms. You don't have to validate yourself through the approval of others. You can be more open to risk and failure. I like the idea of being an amateur, because it opens the door to so many possibilities. I can dabble in the things I love, and enjoy the process without worrying so much about the finished product. In Austin Kleon's new book, Show Your Work,  he quotes a Zen Master named Shunryu Suzuki who states, " In the beginners mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind, there are few." 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Saving Money

Saving money. I used to think saving money was all about using a coupon and getting the right deal. I was actually quite good at this and rarely paid full price for anything. I'd always come away feeling quite proud of myself for saving so much money. However, now I realize that saving money has everything to do with not spending it. There is no way it can accumulate when it is not there. The stores really have our number, and lure us in with reward points, 30% off coupons, and store cash. Now if I really need something I like to be smart about using my money , and I'll always look for a deal. It's just that having more "stuff" just doesn't seem to be a high priority at this point in my life. Perhaps we should take some advice from someone who knows all about money. Warren Buffet advices, "Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving."

Monday, May 25, 2015


I'm not a hockey fan, but the words of Wayne Gretzky ring true across more than hockey. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." If you never write a book there is a 100% chance it won't get published. If you never visit France there is a 100% chance that you will never get your picture made in front of the Eiffel Tower. How often do we have a 100% chance at anything? Why are we guilty of going through life afraid to take chances because we might fail? When the reality is that we fail every time we dont take chances. The old adage, "Nothing ventured nothing gained," really is true. When I don't put myself out there I'm guaranteeing my lack of success. I might not win the Stanley Cup, but I'm going to start taking the shots.

Friday, May 22, 2015


"Enough is abundance to the wise." Euripides knew a thing or two about true abundance. The ability to say, "I have enough."  After sixteen years of living in the same house it's amazing how much "stuff" you can accumulate. Over the years I have made a concerted effort to purge. Yet, when I thought about facing the guest bedroom yesterday morning, I knew I would have my hands full. This room has served the dual purpose of bedroom and storage facility. Yesterday I said, "Enough is enough!" After several hours of work I left feeling pretty good about things. Most of the dresser drawers are now empty and the closet purged. All I need to do is make a quick trip to donate the rest. I'm feeling good about  reclaiming this room as a guest room and I'm happy to say "Enough!"

Thursday, May 21, 2015


Thrift. When we think of thrift we most often think of our finances. Being thrifty allows us to save and spend money wisely. What about our time? Is it possible to be thrifty with our time?  Just as we budget our money and account for each dollar, can we do the same with our time? Or is it unaccounted for and frittered away? I know I am quite guilty of wasting time, as if it really isn't that important. But, just like money, time is a limited resource. Once it is gone, it's gone. And although, I might think I'll always have tomorrow, eventually it will run out. Perhaps I need to start being more thrifty with the time I am given? After all, according to Greek philosopher, Theophrastus, "Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend."

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Play. George Bernard Shaw said, "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." Don't forget to make a little time in your day for play.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Voice. Albert Einstein said, "Be a voice, not an echo." These are very powerful words. How often do we live our life echoing the culture around us?  How often do we ask ourselves what do we really believe? What do we really want?  How often do we silence our voice for fear of being misunderstood? It takes courage to live that voice and not just echo someone else. I've always admired the unconventional. What allows them to be so original? How do they break away from the tried and true? Austin Kleon's writes in his book, Show Your Work, "Talk about the things you love. Your voice will follow." We all have our own unique voice and it should be heard. 

Monday, May 18, 2015

The Penny

The penny. The poor penny; the least respected of the coins. Yet, Benjamin Franklin thought enough about the penny to coin the phrase, "A penny saved is a penny earned." But ironically we don't even bend down to pick up a penny anymore. Think of all the wasted luck?  The fascinating thing about pennies though, is that if you were to start with one penny and double that amount each day for thirty days you would end up with more than five million dollars. So what lesson does the penny teach? It teaches us that although it is small and on its own doesn't have much value; treasured and saved it can bring wealth. This is because those who are careful with "small things" probably will be careful with even greater things. I can't help but conclude with another phrase honoring the penny, "A penny for your thoughts?"

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Travel Sizes

Travel sizes. I noticed the other day that I had quite a few travel sizes of Clinique moisturizers. You know the ones that come with the bonus.  It dawned on me though, that there is no way I'd be able to use them all because I really don't travel that much. Now I suppose one way to fix this would be to travel more. However, one big vacation a year and several weekend trips are  enough travel for me. So this got me to thinking about how often we don't use the things we have, putting them off for special occasions.  I'm sure the moisturizer must have an expiration date.  Don't we all?  Why leave  that wedding china in the hutch, and the softer towels only for guests?  Isn't it better to enjoy the things we own now, rather than putting them off  until tomorrow?  I can't help but think so?

Friday, May 15, 2015

Your Story

"Write your own story." Simple but powerful words. They are not mine, rather they are from a pretty remarkable young man named Kelan. Each of us is given, but one life, and it is ours to write. What would that story look like if you sat down and wrote it? Would it look like the life you are living today?  What changes might you need to make? When we are young we look toward our future with anticipation. We see ourselves accomplishing great things. As the years go by it is easy to get caught up by all the responsibilities of life. Sometimes our lives don't really feel like our own anymore. I can't help but take these words to heart and ask myself, "Am I writing my own story?"  Thanks Kelan for the inspiration. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Values. What do you say you value? Family? Friends? Faith? How do you actually spend your time? Do you spend the majority of your time on what you value? If you say you value health, do you take the time to plan, purchase and prepare healthy foods? Or do you run through the drive-through picking up something quick and easy? Do you take the time to be active or are you on the couch watching hours of television? If you say you value reading, do you actually take time to read? If you value finances are you being a good steward with your money? If you value faith, how much of it really is a part of your life? Today I listened to a podcast entitled " Simple Life Together. "They raised the question about whether your time matched your values?  It really got me to thinking about my own life. It is easy to say you value something, but don't actions speak louder than words? I plan on reflecting about what I value in my life. I'm going to make a list of my values and my actions. If they don't align I'm going to take steps to change that. We only get one life and I want mine to actually be mine.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

True Mirrors

True mirrors. Have you ever heard of one? Apparently they are the only kind of mirror that allows you to be seen as others see you. I find that fascinating, and have to admit that the science behind it is a mystery to me. But, more importantly the idea that people find their reflection to be lacking is more than intriguing. Why is it when I pass by a mirror I have to check my appearance? Why must I validate myself through my reflection?  Each time I look in the mirror it is as if I am looking for someone else. Almost like I know my truer, better looking self is somewhere hidden behind the glass. The reality is  that our better looking days have probably passed us by. They are behind us and the days that will come might not be met with our approval. I can't help but think that we are more than just our outward appearance and that others see us more truly because they see more than just our looks. They see our heart as well. Picasso once said, "Who sees the human face correctly: the photographer, the mirror, or the painter?" The next time you look into a mirror remember that your true self will never be revealed there.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Food Adventure

Food adventure. This past weekend my husband and I went on a food adventure at Central Market. I like to call my rare trips there a culinary field trip. I knew going in that I wanted to try some Manchego cheese. I had sampled it at a wine pairing and it was quite tasty. Next we chose a crusty Artisan garlic and Monterey Jack cheese bread. A thinly sliced lean salami was next. It was the best salami I've ever eaten. Perfectly ripe raspberries and blackberries were the perfect compliment to the meal. We finished with a luscious chocolate mousse cake. I haven't enjoyed a meal this much in quite a while. It just goes to show you that simple, tasty ingredients make the best meals. To quote Julia Child, "You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces-just good food from fresh ingredients."

Saturday, May 9, 2015


"Hope the fish are biting." I'm not actually a fisherman. Infact, I think I've only caught one fish in my life and it was quite tiny. But I can't help but compare biting fish to opportunities. One of the things that I do know about fishing is that it requires patience. If you think you can go in every time and catch as many fish as you want you are probably mistaken. Opportunities are like this also. They don't just come around just because you want them to. No, sometimes you have to be patient and give them a chance to evolve. But just like fishing, you have to be prepared and ready, because if you're not paying attention they just might get away. So whether you are an angler or a writer or a teacher or an athlete keep your eyes open for that perfect opportunity and don't let it slip away.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Point of View

Point of view. Sometimes point of view is everything. I remember when I made the decision to retire, I did so with some reservations. After all I had taught for thirty-one years, and it was a huge part of my identity. I worried about what I would do next in life?  I wondered if my pension would be enough? I was apprehensive about leaving my comfort zone. Each day when I left my neighborhood I had to take a right  turn onto the road with a somewhat limited view. You couldn't quite see around the bend. However, each time I returned from the opposite direction I had a clear view of the turn. One day it hit me like a ton of bricks. It was the same road! The only difference was the point of view. As I was approaching this new phase of my life, it became clear to me that I could not allow the unseen part of the road to hold me back. I had to trust that the view from the other side was wide open. It's been six years now and, although there are times I really miss being in the classroom, I'm glad I didn't let the bend in the road hold me back.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Well I caught up on last week's Grey's Anatomy tonight. It definitely was a tear jerker. One very powerful scene had to do with sadness and pain. I have noticed that in our society we strive to be happy. Now there is nothing wrong with happiness. To be honest, I prefer it. But, the reality is that not everything we experience leaves you with a smile. A little over two months ago my family went through a very difficult time period. We saw our Dad rapidly declining and knew that changes were going to have to be made. There were times during this process when all I could do was cry. Most of the time I can handle things pretty efficiently. This was not one of those times. Each day I got up, did as much as I could, cried, and accepted the love and help from family, friends and even strangers. I allowed myself to feel the hurt. I allowed the tears to flow, and sadness to settle. Those were two of the longest months of my life. Now everything is not perfect today, but it is so much better. I'm still doing my best to handle each situation as it arises. But I have worked past some of the sadness, and my life is taking on a new normal. Oh, there are still moments, but that is okay, because life is sometimes sad.  But, the love and kindness I have experienced through this has taught me that I don't have to always have all the answers. Sometimes you just need a good cry.

Friday, May 1, 2015


Encouragement. We all need it at times. I have found over the years that I take great pleasure in encouraging others. It is something that comes quite naturally to me. It brings me joy to see others succeed. If there is something I can do to contribute to their success, all the better. This was one of my favorite things about being a teacher. I loved all those moments to encourage.  All of us bring something unique and special to the table. Sometimes all it takes is a gentle nudge to help others recognize their own greatness. I remember even during my childhood, I always looked for ways to encourage. You know sometimes things that come naturally to us are overlooked as unimportant. I hope to continue looking for opportunities to encourage others. I hope you recognize that thing you do to make a difference in the lives of others.