Thursday, November 8, 2018

Coming Up Short

Coming up short. 

It's easy to judge yourself too quickly and to come up short. In an effort to do "the right thing" and bow down to the altar of "should" you will probably find that you are fighting a losing battle. 

No matter how hard you try you will mess up, but you have to give yourself a little grace in this area. I truly believe that most of us have the best of intentions, but it's that pesky human nature that always seems to get in the way. 

Of course, some of us are more sensitive about this than others, and really beat ourselves up when we come up short. I wish I could say that this was something I had conquered in my own life, but old habits die hard. 

I think, though, sometimes just being more aware of it is a first step. So the next time you find yourself not doing something perfectly or falling short in your eyes don't be so quick to condemn yourself. 

We all deserve a little leeway in life, and probably graciously offer it to others on a regular basis. 

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