Friday, June 9, 2017

Winging It

Winging it. 

How good are you at winging it? The definition of the term is, "To do something in an impromptu manner, improvising, with little preparation."
Perhaps for me most of my winging revolves around my culinary pursuits, and this only because it's the end of the week, and I haven't fully prepared for all meals. In my defense, though, I've actually pulled together some pretty yummy meals on the fly. 

Most of the time I feel more comfortable being fully prepared, and may possibly have been the first female Boy Scout in a past life. However, the reality is that stuff does happen, and many times we have to fall upon our ingenuity to see us through. 

As good as I am at planning, I'm pretty darn resourceful when push comes to shove. I think we all need to be able to wing it every now and then. I think the problem arises when we find ourselves winging everything. It is then that life can become overwhelming because we haven't really fully thought through anything. 

So it appears being both prepared and having the ability to wing it can be beneficial. 

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