Thursday, June 22, 2017



Sometimes it's easy to focus on the things we don't have, but by doing so we can lose sight of what we do have. Each of us has a unique set of resources ranging from innate talents to material possessions that can contribute to a more satisfying life. 

Author of Stretch, Scott Sonenshein writes about  people who, "...ask what more they can do with what they have, instead of asking what's missing." He calls these people Stretchers because they have learned the value of better untilizing what they already possess. 

In our modern day world of reduce, reuse, recycle I enjoy the challenge of figuring out a way to use what I already have in order to solve a problem. Instead of purchasing a plastic recycling container which I knew I really didn't have room for, I used a small carabiner clip to attach my recycling bag to an already existing structure. It worked beautifully and cost me nothing. 

Instead of looking at life from the perspective of what can be added it might be better to reframe the question. How can I better use the resources around me? By utilizing these resources I can take immediate action instead of sitting around waiting for what I think is necessary in order to get the job done. Challenge yourself to "think outside the box."

Sometimes not having the resources we assume we need is a convenient  excuse for not having to try. "If only" can become our favorite word, except with today's access to technology, one way or another we can find a way. Free on-line classes, free wi-fi at the local coffee shop, free computer access at the library, you tube videos, blogs and podcasts are all ways to stretch yourself. 

As author Gretchen Rubin is quick to point out the first way to solve a problem is to identify the problem. Maybe the problem is not the lack of resources, but rather a lack of stretching. Sonenshein also points out that lack of resources or constraints might not be such a bad thing. "Constraints can motivate us to be resourceful, act in more creative ways, and solve problems better."

Just like when you begin an exercise program you begin by stretching, doing so in other areas of your life may end up bringing greater satisfaction, and result in a richer life. 

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