Monday, June 5, 2017

The Reason Why

The reason why?

The other day I was listening to a podcast featuring author Seth Godin as he spoke about why he blogged. I've often asked myself the same question, but found Godin's reason said it best. 

"Even if no one read it I would blog every day...If you know that tomorrow you have to say something about something you noticed, about something that might help someone else, about an opinion you have that might stand the test of time; you will form those opinions, you will notice those things, you will invent that idea. And if day after day, week after week you leave behind this trail of thoughtful examination of your world, you can't help but get better at whatever it is that you seek to do."

Godin's words seemed to sum up perfectly the enjoyment I find in being a blogger. Holding myself accountable to posting five days a week does keep me on my toes. It forces me to read more, observe more, and reflect more on the things I see and hear. 

I kind of like that!


  1. I love this reason for blogging. I often felt that I wasn't a 'successful' writer if no one read/commented on my work. This gives me a REAL reason to continue writing. Thank you! AnnMarie

    1. You were the one who inspired me to write! I struggle sometimes with the numbers. Those days when there are fewer readers it does make me question myself, except that it seems a day or two later someone comments about how my posting has helped them.
